The Bimbo Mindset > Why Being a Bimbo is The Smartest Thing a Girl Can Do

Want to become a void of pink, glitter, and sparkly thoughts? Do you love characters like Cat Valentine, Karen Smith, and Elle Woods, and want to embody their sweet, ditzy mentality in your daily life? Keep reading! There are many pros to becoming a 'bimbo,' and in this article, I will give you my personal tips on how to achieve the 'Ditz' mindset, how to ignore haters, and most importantly, live your best bimbo life!


Express yourself!

By making your outside world reflect your inside, you will feel 10x happier, trust me.

 I embrace my inner world by decorating everything with pink, leopard print, and lace. You can do this by adorning your room with posters that reflect your interests, changing your bed spread, or buying some cheap decor to spice things up. When you wake up in the morning, you should feel a sense of happiness about your space. This way, no matter what happens during the day, you'll have somewhere to decompress when it's over.

A 'bimbo' also expresses her inner world through her clothing. Take a page from Elle Woods's book, who showed up to Harvard Law in a velvety, green suit, with a skirt to match- a flashy reflection of her determination to win Warner back. 


Most people nowadays are afraid to express themselves through their clothes in fear of being judged, but The 'Bimbo' is confident in herself, and knows that standing out actually garners her more compliments than stank-faces. She dresses herself in shades of pink, doesn't shy away from color, and experiments with makeup whenever she wants! That's a key part of becoming a 'bimbo,' doing whatever you want, whenever you please.

The 'Ditz' Mentality

Having no thoughts creates a sense of peace like never before, and basically forces your mind to not give a f@#$ about what anyone thinks. The bimbo does this by embracing her Ditzy Mentality, which raises her self-esteem, confidence, and feminine energy.

The Ditz only cares for herself (this is different from being selfish!), doesn't try to create or analyze drama, and only thinks of self-serving things, because in her eyes, ignorance is bliss. She pours into herself, spending time getting ready for each day. Her thoughts are centered around how her eyeshadow compliments her eyes, how pretty her lipgloss is, and how gorgeous she looks while she is doing so. These thoughts aren't created in a vacuum, though. Self-esteem is not built in a vacuum. Listening to affirmations, creating your own subliminals, and meditation are great ways to essentially brainwash yourself into thinking positively. For me personally, subliminals have changed my life--they have helped me to really fall in love with myself, and become more confident. By creating your own subliminals, you can craft your own 'Ditz' persona from scratch!

Basically, embodying the Ditz means that your mental conversations should be centered around the best outcome for yourself, ignoring things that don't benefit you, (such as bullies, haters, etc) and consuming media that makes you happy! If anyone tries to tell you who you are, just roll your eyes and keep smacking that gum, because honey, nobody knows you better than you. 


Being a Girly Girl!

The Bimbo isn't afraid to express her femininity, and strives to be a pink, sparkly blur in a dark, boring world. She does this by incorporating feminine and girly outfits into her wardrobe. She usually wears clothing inspired by the 2000s, or whatever era she desires. Fashion Tip -- By modeling all your clothing based on one era, you have never-ending outfit inspiration. 

Like I mentioned before, The Bimbo wears lots of colors, loves her pinks and purples, and incorporates skirts into her daily ensembles. However, just dressing feminine and not being feminine can make you seem inauthentic. To be perceived as cute, girly, and sexy, you gotta act cute and sexy, okay? You're not gonna get your crush by being all hunched over, negative, and stomping around. In fact, nothing good in life comes from being those things. Think of the girl everyone loves to hate- who's always chewing on her Hubba-Bubba Gum, being bubbly, and playful. Try stepping into her shoes for a day and see how great it feels!


Being girly is often associated with youthfulness, so try to embrace your inner child! Start doing the hobbies you loved as a child, watching the shows and movies you liked as a kid. Playfulness comes from bringing your inner child out.


I also recommend playing into the 'Dumb Blonde' cadence. You can do this by acting absent-minded, or by not taking yourself so seriously. Basically, you want to become a real life Disney Princess, minus the singing birds and squirrels. You want everyone to think of your name and be like, 'Oh yeah, she's so nice!' You know? Try complimenting at least one person a day, and see how you feel.

 bye — Gif hunt: Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this super extensive guide on The Bimbo Mindset! If you have any questions, tips, or comments, be free to comment below!




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