how to ROCK DA THRIFT SHOP- A foolproof guide to thrifting the closet of your dreams !!!

Do you find yourself leaving Goodwill with an empty cart and a broken heart? Are you envious of the amazing thrift hauls you find yourself watching on TikTok, Youtube, or Instagram? Well, I am here to tell you that finding quality clothing at your local thrift shop is possible- and that it's not just your area, but your lack of motivation!  This is my guide on ---> 

★ ☆ ˖✧ How to ROCK DA THRIFT SHOP!! - A simplified and foolproof guide to thrifting <33

AKA- thrifting for dummiez 💕

STEP ONE - BEFORE YOU hit the thrift, I want you to sit down, close your eyes, and take a deep, cleansing breath. As the air fills your lungs, visualize what items of clothing you've been admiring lately. Have a clear guideline for what you intend to find at the thrift store - and stick to it. Walking into any store without a clear goal in mind equals disaster + empty pockets. For example, when I plan a trip to my local Goodwill, I make a mental list of what I would want to find. If you are not sure what specific items you want, make a mental collage of an aesthetic you'd like to embody. Not only is this a method of manifesting your ideal pieces, but it actually speeds up the thrifting process. 

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STEP TWO - GO EARLY. I cannot stress this enough. Go to your local thrift at least five minutes before it opens. Yes, this may sound extreme, but it guarantees you get to the best pieces before the Depop girlies/resellers. Here's a hack if you aren't able to thrift this early. Look up your local thrift store on Google. After that, go to the area where it says 'busiest times'. Try to go when it's least busy. The best days to shop at Goodwill are on Mondays and Tuesdays, so try to go on those days as well.  

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STEP THREE - LOOK. This is where most people mess up. Let's say you do steps one and two, and you walk into your local G-Will, your head held high with an aesthetic in mind. Then two hours later, you sulk out of the sliding doors, with not one bag in hand. This is because you aren't looking properly. Let me explain. Thrifting is not like shopping at Ross, or TJ MAX. There are hundreds of clothes on each rack waiting to be discovered, all unorganized. This can be daunting, especially for beginners. The method I use is from my aunt. She calls it the book method. In every book, you start at the front. Start at the front of the store and go to the first hanger. Hold the top of the hanger between your middle and index, and flip through every single hanger on the rack, using a walking motion with your fingers. 


Do this to EVERY RACK IN THE STORE. Trust me, it's only tedious for beginners. Flip through the clothes like you would a book, and you will find clothes hidden between others. This also serves as a good arm workout! 

STEP FOUR - SAY you did steps one, two, and three, and still find nothing. At that point, you can blame the store. I would just leave at this stage. 

This is my FOOLPROOF guide to thrifting! I encourage you guys to try my method, and let me know in the comments if it works for you. There's a 98% chance it will (it's proven). xoxo <3


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